Reverb Drenched Magmaphonic
High Energy Instrumental Surf Music

60s instrumental surf - you know it from movies like Pulp Fiction!

An explosive and earth shattering burst of known and new instrumentals straight from the hot Berlin underground.

Loud, wild, sexy and danceable!

The Kilaueas at Wild at Heart TV
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Upcoming shows

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Current release

Touch My Alien
The Ace Of Space
Why Do Fools Fall in Lava
Touch My Alien
The Man From M.E.N.S.C.H

Albums & singles.

The full range of 1960s-style instrumental surf, from snappy high-energy wavebreakers to agent sounds to atmospheric, sound-track lounge tunes. Nothing is left out, the penchant for Spaghetti Western is indulged.

Wild Sazanami Beat!

The Men From M.E.N.S.C.H.

Profesor Volcanova

Mundaka Calls

The Kilaueas And Surfer Joe

Magmanautic Inferno

The KI-LAU-E-AS are

Tirelessly since 1998, the cool and atmospheric lava of THE KILAUEAS makes its way through all the clubs of the world and unstoppably this volcano spits always new and glowing surf chunks into the dancing and screaming crowd.

Ralf Kilauea


Tom Kilauea


Jaque Kilauea


Perzi Kilauea

Drums | Samples
2023 © The Kilaueas